
  • Upper Hose

    Our molded coolant hoses are manufactured to fit upper, lower, bypass, heater and other coolant applications with OEM-quality specifications, saving you time, costs, and energy from going to your OE dealer for radiator hose replacements. Approved for Marine applications. Gates’ curved hose line is the most comprehensive line on the replacement market.

    • Engineered to resist electrochemical degradation, the leading cause of hose failure.
    • Pre-shaped to fit and to ensure perfectly sealed conditions.
    • Aramid or rayon knit reinforcement (depending on the application).
  • Formula 3

    Use as a handfeeding formula for all species of psittacines from day one to weaning. Also used for handfeeding Squabs older than 7-14 days (7 days for smaller species, up to 14 days for larger species). Do not give additional vitamin or mineral supplements.

    Formula 3

  • Hose, Water (Upper)


    Our molded coolant hoses are manufactured to fit upper, lower, bypass, heater and other coolant applications with OEM-quality specifications, saving you time, costs, and energy from going to your OE dealer for radiator hose replacements. Approved for Marine applications. Gates’ curved hose line is the most comprehensive line on the replacement market.

    • Engineered to resist electrochemical degradation, the leading cause of hose failure.
    • Pre-shaped to fit and to ensure perfectly sealed conditions.
    • Aramid or rayon knit reinforcement (depending on the application).
  • Hose Water (Lower)


    Our molded coolant hoses are manufactured to fit upper, lower, bypass, heater and other coolant applications with OEM-quality specifications, saving you time, costs, and energy from going to your OE dealer for radiator hose replacements. Approved for Marine applications. Gates’ curved hose line is the most comprehensive line on the replacement market.

    • Engineered to resist electrochemical degradation, the leading cause of hose failure.
    • Pre-shaped to fit and to ensure perfectly sealed conditions.
    • Aramid or rayon knit reinforcement (depending on the application).
  • Timing Component Kit


    Gates® is the world’s largest manufacturer of PowerGripâ„¢ Timing Belts and PowerGrip Kits. We designed our kits for virtually every vehicle make and model, so technicians can conduct complete system replacements and streamline parts sourcing. As the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) for over 35 vehicle manufacturers worldwide, our Timing Component Kits are OE-equivalent or better in service life, quality, and performance.

    • Total solution for any application. TCK includes belts, idler(s), tensioners, tensioner springs, supporting hardware, detailed installation instructions, and Technical Service Bulletins for troublesome applications.
    • Designed for convenience, easy parts sourcing, and reduced customer comebacks.
    • Gates warranty matches the original manufacturer’s replacement intervals — not just for parts, but also for labor and other associated costs.
  • High Energy Breeder


    Feed to breeding birds that are feeding chicks. Wean chicks onto this diet for the first 1-3 months post-weaning (3 months for the larger species, one month for the smaller species). High-Energy Breeder will provide these young birds with extra protein, calcium, and Vitamin D3 needed for the continued growth that occurs during that time. The higher energy will help put back the body weight lost in the weaning process. Mix 1/3 High-Energy Breeder to 2/3 Maintenance mixture for use in birds with a higher calcium need or are being introduced to Roudybush. Do not give additional vitamin or mineral supplements, such as cuttlebone, mineral blocks, or multivitamins. Fresh fruits and vegetables may be given as a minor part of the diet.

  • Breeder


    This diet meets the nutritional needs of the growing chick. Feed it to overweight breeding birds that are feeding chicks. Mix 1/3 Breeder with 2/3 Low-Fat Maintenance for overweight birds that are chronic egg layers or overweight birds with a tendency to develop hypocalcaemia (such as African Greys). The mixture provides the extra calcium and vitamin D3 to support egg production or to meet the needs of birds that seem to need more calcium than other birds. Do not give additional vitamin or mineral supplements, such as cuttlebone, mineral block, or multivitamins. Fresh fruits and vegetables may be given as a minor part of the diet.


  • Maintenance

    Use this diet when switching your bird from its old diet to Roudybush. Continue to feed to adult birds that are not laying eggs or feeding chicks. Lories and lorikeets, which will accept this diet, will have drier droppings than they have on nectar. If you have a bird that is a chronic egg-layer or a bird with a tendency to develop hypocalcaemia (like African Greys), mix 2/3 Maintenance with 1/3 High-Energy Breeder to supply more calcium and vitamin D3. Do not give additional vitamin or mineral supplements. Fresh fruit and vegetable treats may be given as a minor part of the diet.

  • Maintenance

    Use this diet when switching your bird from its old diet to Roudybush. Continue to feed to adult birds that are not laying eggs or feeding chicks. Lories and lorikeets, which will accept this diet, will have drier droppings than they have on nectar. If you have a bird that is a chronic egg-layer or a bird with a tendency to develop hypocalcaemia (like African Greys), mix 2/3 Maintenance with 1/3 High-Energy Breeder to supply more calcium and vitamin D3. Do not give additional vitamin or mineral supplements. Fresh fruit and vegetable treats may be given as a minor part of the diet.

  • High Energy Breeder


    Feed to breeding birds that are feeding chicks. Wean chicks onto this diet for the first 1-3 months post-weaning (3 months for the larger species, one month for the smaller species). High-Energy Breeder will provide these young birds with extra protein, calcium, and Vitamin D3 needed for the continued growth that occurs during that time. The higher energy will help put back the body weight lost in the weaning process. Mix 1/3 High-Energy Breeder to 2/3 Maintenance mixture for use in birds with a higher calcium need or are being introduced to Roudybush. Do not give additional vitamin or mineral supplements, such as cuttlebone, mineral blocks, or multivitamins. Fresh fruits and vegetables may be given as a minor part of the diet.

  • Pressure Hose


    High Performance Power Steering Hose

    Edelmann Elite® ushers in a new era with the introduction of the market’s first premium power steering hose line.

    • Engineered for extreme conditions

    • Outstanding impulse durability

    • Superior temperature range performance

    • Zinc coated tubes protect against rust and corrosion
    • Double lock beading with barbed tube end provides superior hose/coupling integrity
    • Heat/abrasion tubing protects vital areas
    • Lifetime warranty reliability

    • Committed to OEM form, fit, and functionâ„¢

    • Stellar cold temperature

  • Formula 3

    Use as a handfeeding formula for all species of psittacines from day one to weaning. Also used for handfeeding Squabs older than 7-14 days (7 days for smaller species, up to 14 days for larger species). Do not give additional vitamin or mineral supplements.

    Formula 3

  • Lory Diet/Nectar 15

    This diet is lower in sugar than other brands of nectars, so switching a bird from another brand of nectar sometimes requires adding a small amount of powdered sugar to the diet and slowly eliminating it to convert the birds. Less sugar is helpful to reduce incidence of yeast infections that lories are prone to due to the high sugar diets they are commonly fed. Some people grind up the maintenance pellets into a powder or convert their birds to maintenance crumbles. Lories do very well on the maintenance diet. Feeding pellets, crumbles, or dry powdered Lory Nectar will result in drier, easier to clean up droppings, making lories that much more pleasant to live with. Although some people use the Lory Nectar to handfeed lory chicks, we recommend using Formula 3, which provides a little higher protein needed for growth in the chicks and eliminates the sugar that could lead to yeast infections.

    Also: Formulated for hand-feeding hummingbirds from 0-3 weeks of age; it contains 15% protein. Not for use in Hummingbird feeders.

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